1st and second and 3d level support onsite Server installation and support
Network installation and support include Switsches Routers , Firewalls , Telecom products etc
provide and install Telecom solutions and products onsite , VOIP , MS Team Phone ,
Troubleshooting all ticket related issue on demand , and on real time as per agreed serice level agreement
Provide consultation for customer and IT solutin , Desing new IT High and low level Design
Desing and implement companies Telephony and managing daily calls for customers connecting and interfacing with other Vendors and Technologies
Füge eine Fußnote hinzu, wenn dies für dein Unternehmen nötig o< # > GEW Al Sakka Tel +4915256470809 logo for owner Sami Al Sakka registration Gew Al Sakka # A19039372 / 09162000 type GewA 1 Landshuter Allee 154 80637 München Tax/Steure Bussiness Bank info account holder/ Sami AL Sakka Iban DE37701500001005604614 Bankzahl 70150000 -BIC SKKM DE MM /Acct#1005604614 Tax Steuer# 146/182/41956 UstG /Vat DE323582965 der hilfreich ist.
info@Toleenalsham.com Gew Al Sakka Vat DE323582
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